yarn puppeteer 1.7.0

latest releases: 22.7.1, 22.7.0, 22.6.5...
5 years ago

Big Changes

  • Chromium 70.0.3508.0 (r579032)
  • page.type now supports typing emoji
  • from now on, we'll publish a puppeteer-core package that doesn't download Chromium at install-time.

API Changes



Bug Fixes

  • #1096 - page.type has Emoji issues (UTF-8)
  • #1183 - window inner size not equal to viewport size
  • #1260 - GPU is always disabled when running in headless mode.
  • #1694 - Conditional catch for errors
  • #1963 - Missing options preferCSSPageSize and ignoreInvalidPageRanges in Page.pdf()
  • #2823 - docs: Puppeteeer with Chrome Extensions
  • #2854 - Feature Request: clearer UX for waitForSelector inverse
  • #2898 - not working "page.click" if "setJavaScriptEnabled" is "false"
  • #2925 - puppeteer@next is not autoupdated
  • #2970 - There are some missing responses on 'page.on("response") when I invoke 'page.goto()'
  • #3000 - Page._pageBindings is declared as Map<string,Function> but used as JS object
  • #3038 - defaultViewport option does nothing
  • #3040 - Requests don't finish when request interception is enabled but there is no handler to call request.continue

Raw Notes

be7626f - fix: revert ExecutionContext reporting. (#3058)
28ccf5d - docs(api.md): some grammar/wording (#3057)
204c7ec - feat: introduce puppeteer/Errors (#3056)
231a2be - feat: expose frame's execution contexts (#3048)
b84404c - docs(api.md): fix a typo (#3055)
8c713ef - fix(browserfetcher): handle extract-zip errors (#3052)
40466cb - feat(launcher): ignoreDefaultArgs to accept array of options (#3049)
1be7545 - chore: enhance markdown preprocessor (#3050)
81d42c4 - feat: prepare for publishing puppeteer-core (#3047)
d822401 - docs(api.md): clarify coordinate system in mouse (#3041)
608f5b7 - docs(api.md): clarification note on request interception (#3042)
735e17e - docs(troubleshooting): Add instructions to run on App Engine and Cloud Functions (#3021)
6825088 - feat(launcher): allow options to be passed into puppeteer.defaultArgs (#2950)
2e00076 - chore: upgrade to TypeScript 3.0.1 (#3024)
2563213 - feat: add option to specify the default viewport (#3005)
0c49bf5 - test: use new browser context for every page test (#3010)
9c96a92 - test: fix flakiness of certain extension tests (#3011)
95d867a - fix: don't emit an internal error when eval causes navigation (#3008)
e36a7ae - chore: bump version to v1.6.2-post (#3009)
fd5d95b - docs(troubleshooting): update Chromium package supported on Alpine (#2997)
c018ff1 - feat(browsercontext): add BrowserContext.pages() method (#3003)
25d7eff - fix(Page): Use _pageBindings as a Map (#3001)
3335d36 - fix: typing emoji (#2824)
1931cb4 - feat(Chromium): roll Chromium to r579032 (#2989)
5bcb7cf - test: add test with request interception and cookies (#2988)
862ad96 - test: dump workers state after the test runner is terminated (#2991)
0c825de - test: unflake page test that was causing us a lot of CI flakes (#2993)
89f968b - test: try to fix CSS coverage flakes on win (#2992)
4bbaa9d - test: do not handle sigint for all the browsers launched in tests (#2990)
2c95994 - test: make sure referer header is reported with request interception (#2986)
d305c7d - chore: bump version after minor release (#2985)
0b12119 - fix(NetworkManager): Remove header 'cookie' from request hash (#2954)
392d3b9 - Revert "chore(tests): redirect debugError to the output category of tests (#2969)" (#2987)
c5fe1db - chore(tests): redirect debugError to the output category of tests (#2969)
12e3510 - feat(page): add 'preferCSSPageSize' to page.pdf options (#2928)
78ebf40 - chore(ci): move all CI from Node7 to Node8 (#2938)
d09b304 - docs(api.md): elaborate on passing arguments in waitForFunction (#2921)
3d12f1f - feat(FrameManager): improve waiting for selector to be hidden error message (#2911)
14e69d1 - fix(pipe): make sure the pipe is not stuck (#2933)
ca99a67 - fix(launcher): always add about:blank to default arguments. (#2942)
5b18987 - chore(ci): yet another attempt to fix pptr@next (#2940)
1d5f52e - chore(ci): fix auto-publish to travis (#2931)
8f5ecf5 - chore(ci): fix auto-publish to travis (#2930)
670b0c3 - fix(launcher): do not add --disable-gpu on OSX and Linux (#2908)
26cd16c - docs(api.md): expand on testing Chrome Extensions (#2893)
56368aa - fix(page): page.click should work with disabled javascript (#2907)
e4e72c9 - docs(api.md): fix typo (#2890)
e7b0e0f - feat(chromium): roll Chromium to r574897 (#2887)
8802253 - chore: bump version to v1.6.0-post (#2883)

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