yarn puppeteer 1.10.0

latest releases: 22.7.1, 22.7.0, 22.6.5...
5 years ago

Big Changes

API Changes


Bug Fixes

  • #921 - userDataDir + headless = lost authorization #921
  • #2033 - Feature request: Inspect screen reader output #2033
  • #3303 - docs: Add an example of chrome extension testing on CI
  • #3455 - No errors are thrown on asyncawait check. #3455

Raw Notes

cffcaad - chore: mark version v1.10.0
9ba3261 - feat(accessibility): snapshot the accessibility tree (#3470)
eca3c6b - test(cookies): cookies from headful now work in headless (#3481)
3596c5f - fix(page.evaluate): better function serialization (#3480)
e061007 - docs(api.md): update compatibility table
4110087 - docs(puppeteer-web): a note about running inside extension (#3477)
8e93eab - docs(api.md): add example to override request headers (#3475)
2a88690 - fix(launcher): add flags to improve reliability (#3474)
3dd5c28 - fix(pipe): dispatch "disconnected" event when browser is terminated (#3472)
9800b2c - docs(api.md): Fix missing await in extension example (#3447)
81edbbb - fix(clicking): handle negative area results in computeQuadArea (#3413)
fae441c - docs(troubleshooting): add workarounds for code transpilation (#3399)
cf8c62e - docs(api.md): Fix ElementHandle example (#3401)
d025d1f - fix(csscoverage): don't prematurely disable the CSS domain (#3418)
a4cebd8 - feat(chromium): roll Chromium to r599821 (#3414)
0fd3bfb - test(CSSCoverage): failing test when a stylesheet was recently added (#3400)
a04dedc - docs(troubleshooting.md): run non-headless on CI (#3353)
0bb462c - docs(readme): clarify SPA and SSR (#3363)
6ac66c3 - feat: browser.waitForTarget (#3356)
07febb6 - fix: add missing location property to some key descriptors (#3354)
90d1fe8 - docs(api): fixed grammatical error (it's -> its) #3352
af4209f - chore: bump version to v1.9.0-post (#3351)

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