yarn puppeteer 1.0.0

latest releases: 22.7.1, 22.7.0, 22.6.5...
6 years ago

Big Changes

API Changes



Bug Fixes

  • #31 - Expose raw protocol in the API
  • #280 - API consistency: property getters vs methods
  • #373 - Possibility for page numbers in PDF?
  • #537 - Handle XPath selectors
  • #754 - [Question] Frame html content
  • #827 - frame.title() throws protocol error when used with framenavigated
  • #872 - Add an API to override default launcher arguments
  • #880 - INTERNAL ERROR: failed to find request for interception redirect
  • #980 - Document cookie.session property
  • #1201 - Preloading a Script
  • #1231 - Docs: document page.once()
  • #1350 - setCookie() doesn't work?
  • #1363 - Intermittent TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined
  • #1367 - Chromium process does not close if main nodejs process crashes
  • #1373 - Page crash when HTTPS referer is set
  • #1417 - page.waitForNavigation() timeout=0 does not disable timeout, but actually sets it to zero
  • #1492 - page.screenshot.type not respected
  • #1510 - page.evaluate incorrectly serializes undefined as null
  • #1514 - Global timeout settings.
  • #1516 - Clarify whether this uses Chrome or Chromium
  • #1539 - Feature request: Give access to created processes
  • #1557 - Example: search.js should demo something other than google.com
  • #1578 - Demo: new search + scrape demo using protocol viewer
  • #1579 - Attribute network requests to frames
  • #1582 - (docs proposal) add example tool: headless-chrome-crawler
  • #1627 - Docker installation instructions miss required library (libgconf-2.so.4)
  • #1654 - page.waitForFunction should treat ElementHandle arguments as DOM elements
  • #1703 - .waitForFunction() should return a value
  • #1705 - [Feature Request] Return All Nodes from XPath
  • #1706 - Needs more information for browser.version()
  • #1724 - waitForFunction should accept and ElementHandle in page function arguments
  • #1729 - page.goto returns a promise to null when intercepting request and modifying referer together
  • #1737 - Commit #1712 breaks my scripts with 'UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning'
  • #1740 - Not support install form a mirror host that use 3xx http status code

Raw Notes

12b57e3 - chore: mark version v1.0.0 (#1786)
d68033a - chore(examples): indent all examples (#1783)
891a553 - docs(troubleshooting): add note on using ldd to find missing deps (#1780)
9b06ed2 - docs(README): updates to make d.g.c/web/ happy (#1773)
5368051 - feat: expose raw devtools protocol connection (#1770)
ec8e40f - feat(Page): Add global navigation timeout setting (#1728)
3985dee - docs(API): add more explicit examples for page.evaluate (#1711)
9634d13 - fix: requestInterception should play nicely with canceled redirects (#1758)
f6b7c13 - chore(install): mention yarn along npm in the error message (#1759)
c29822d - feat: Attribute network requests to frames (#1646)
5843f6f - fix: setRequestInterception and setExtraHTTPHeaders not working together (#1734)
dcc1b24 - chore(Page): Add missing return comments in addScriptTag and addStyleTag (#1753)
71089b0 - feat: teach Downloader to respect redirects (#1741)
d7d9623 - fix: downloader host fault tolerance (#1739)
8c392b7 - docs(api.md): add missing parentheses after page.mainFrame (#1738)
7c9104e - docs(README): add note on features not supported by Chromium (#1572)
7c9104e - docs(README): add note on features not supported by Chromium (#1572)
972f44d - fix: avoid calling jsonValue from waitFor (#1746)
8e9c54a - feat: introduce browser.userAgent() (#1716)
05b1aca - feat: support JSHandles for page.waitFor* calls (#1712)
32a7fd5 - docs(troubleshooting): add note on --disable-dev-shm-usage for Docker (#1603)
ed3fc47 - test: don't show max listeners warning when running tests in parallel (#1722)
e7eacd4 - test: scrub port from coverage golden files (#1723)
f0b11ad - test: verify serialization of "undefined" fields (#1721)
3481f03 - feat(Chromium): roll Chromium to r526987 (#1720)
0a498ba - docs: update api.md
24354a4 - feat: implement CSS Coverage (#1714)
f183664 - feat: rename page.xpath into page.$x, return an array of elements (#1713)
d062381 - feat: Implement JavaScript Coverage (#1673)
bd73e4b - chore: use unique version for puppeteer@next (#1688)
05f4f94 - test: add server/run.js that runs assets locally (#1687)
508a78d - test: prohibit focused tests/suites on bots (#1686)
16dc037 - chore: update credentials for puppeteer@next auto-deploy (#1685)
e32fdcb - chore(issue template): Add Node.js version to Issue template(#1683) (#1684)
d82402a - test: add dblclick input test (#1675)
4f6d395 - chore: puppeteer@next attempt 2 (#1677)
83fb29d - docs: use less confusing synonym
efbc52a - docs: fix typos (#1647)
35a5d8b - chore(NavigationWatcher): correct closure annotation (#1658)
bf3e0cc - docs: add missing session cookie property to api.md (#1672)
02720e4 - test: do not leave dangling listener on shared browser object (#1674)
e7bcc05 - chore: push successful travis builds to npm as puppeteer@next (#1671)
fc2fc0d - test: run chrome with --disable-dev-shm-usage (#1633)
b2389b0 - feat(emulation): add iPhone X and iPhone X landscape (#1631)
8a40cd5 - feat(Launcher): allow the default arguments to be overridden (#1623)
f8040cb - feat(pdf): add headerTemplate and footerTemplate to available PDF options (#1625)
48f5f2e - feat(Chromium): roll chromium to 524617 (#1630)
671d464 - test: await all navigations in tests (#1629)
60ba8c3 - feat: add page.xpath (#1620)
1684104 - docs(troubleshooting.md): add missing temp missing shared lib (#1628)
b737373 - fix: convert all getters to methods (#1621)
10f3b92 - test: Fix broken Tracing unit tests (#1613)
18d5cfa - fix(Cookies): disallow setting cookies in 'about:blank' page (#1567)
be438c5 - chore(testrunner): support first-class test debugging (#1606)
a3a3774 - test: nicer matchers output (#1605)
cb1cb69 - chore(search) - search developers.google.com for "Headess chrome" articles (#1586)
4c58881 - doc: Add headless-chrome-crawler to example's README (#1585)
63f7e38 - docs(README.md): Update docs to more clearly differentiate between Chromium and Chrome (#1574)
a5db6d4 - test: migrate test.js to support concurrent test execution (#1531)
4eaf52f - feat(Browser): introduce browser.process() variable (#1581)
a164524 - feat(Connection): nicer stack traces on protocol errors (#1383)
ea5da00 - chore: remove search.js example (#1564)
f19e2ad - feat(install): build node6 support when installing from github (#1562)
fc1f15e - test(testrunner): fix the 'timeout: 0' test runner setting (#1561)
391d1ab - chore: generalize node6 transpilation (#1560)
9a50868 - refactor: move ChromiumDownloader under lib/ (#1554)
11d9452 - chore: fix appveyor build (#1558)
e6725e1 - tests: drop jasmine test runner (#1519)
c4083f0 - feat(Chromium): roll Chromium to r522446 (#1499)
696f59e - docs(api.md): Note that Browser and Page extend from EventEmitter (#1541)
16320b7 - fix(Page.screenshot): prioritize screenshot type over filename extension (#1526)
9fc39a4 - test: disable 'userDataDir option should restore cookies' (#1538)
c55f4e3 - feat(installer): Support HTTP mirror (#1372)
b28adbb - fix(Downloader): better handling for HTTPS proxy (#1508)
90f799c - chore: remove excessive whitespace (#1375)
5a64888 - feat(Tracing): allow custom tracing categories (#1439)
42fd41c - chore: use string literal in require for index.js (#1511)
c58c70e - test: deflake tween mouse test (#1515)
2becd15 - feat(Chromium): roll Chromium to r518818 (#1455)
770c17b - feat(Frame): implement frame.content and frame.setContent methods (#1447)
3b60ad1 - doc(api.md): ElementHandle.boundingBox() returns a promise (#1437)
88eaede - fix(page): fix "timeout: 0" to actually disable any navigation timeout (#1435)
cafd040 - fix(Network): be prepared to miss requestWillBeSent events (#1420)
ea70ac9 - fix(Page.goto): check navigation completeness on frame detachment (#1419)
6512ce7 - fix(Frame): postpone evaluations until execution context gets created (#1415)
48ccf1e - doc(api.md): add evaluateOnNewDocument examples (#1202)
90ca007 - fix(Launcher): handle SIGHUP signal (#1405)
a350e89 - chore(Browser): fix jsdoc in Browser.create method (#1403)
cc0c461 - fix(Launcher): handle SIGTERM by default (#1402)
d8ac8fc - docs(api.md): fix return signatures that contains null (#1364)
99103cb - chore: bump version to 1.0.0rc (#1389)

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