yarn puppeteer 0.12.0

latest releases: 22.7.1, 22.7.0, 22.6.5...
6 years ago

Big Changes

API changes




  • page.injectFile - page.addScriptTag now should be used. (c310f13)
  • page.plaintText - innerText/textContent could be obtained with page.evaluate. (1fbf2a8)

Bug Fixes

  • #63 - Emulate offline
  • #241 - Add keyboard.type
  • #304 - Add memory heap snapshot API
  • #309 - Is there a way to measure page performance?
  • #324 - evaluate - strange execute sequence
  • #382 - Implement object handles
  • #613 - Hwo can I set HTML select element value?
  • #625 - Introduce page.$eval and page.$$eval
  • #684 - Clicking element inside iFrame does not give any response
  • #734 - Request.resourceType doesnt match DevTools
  • #744 - Feature request: console level
  • #750 - Throw error with stack trace when launching with an invalid executablePath option
  • #782 - Constantly getting Navigation Timeout Error
  • #839 - Chromium is not closed completely gracefully
  • #864 - Is there a way to open DevTools progammaticaly?
  • #869 - URI malformed exception that is not handled
  • #884 - What is the reason of using a sync version of writeFile for pdf save?
  • #892 - Add addStyleTag(url) API
  • #949 - Replace injectFile to injectScript and add injectCSS
  • #1010 - ElementHandle screenshot does not count padding (or add options to count the padding/margin)

Raw notes

b555151 - chore: mark version 0.12.0
6a8865c - feat(keyboard): make keyboard.down generate input event by default (#1016)
a02347e - feat(Page): implement page.setOfflineMode (#1032)
fd88eb5 - feat(chromium): roll chromium to r508693 (#1031)
8511db9 - feat(page): waitForSelector hidden option (#967)
8f430fb - fix(ElementHandle.boundingBox): account for margin, padding, and border in element.boxModel (#1017)
1c52830 - feat: roll to 508367 (#1027)
053534b - chore: update yarn lock #1025
c310f13 - feat(Frame): Support options in addScriptTag and addStyleTag (#996)
0426e3c - Roll chromium to 508268 (#1019)
c893bf3 - fix(input) Send .code with keyboard events (#1015)
23c0ba0 - feat(Page): introduce Page.queryObjects (#1005)
3f9f0f4 - feat(Page.pdf): add 'A6' page format
9ecf20f - chore: Allow development under Windows platform (#992)
ff08e45 - fix: Remove synchronous operation with file system. (#879)
7a8aa73 - feat(Page): introduce Page.$$eval method (#1006)
464b6a9 - fix(Page.getMetrics): do not report a few metrics (#1001)
b82d319 - feat(Page): Support Page.getMetrics and metrics event. (#939)
77d3c29 - test(launcher): add a test for invalid executablePath option
13f100b - docs(api): fix typo
1fbf2a8 - feat(Page): kill the page.plainText method (#994)
079db90 - fix(JSHandle.toString): clearer description for primitives (#993)
c3fb367 - fix(Request): convert resourceType to all small-caps (#990)
7e28dba - feat(ElementHandle): add EH.boundingBox and EH.screenshot
515f2cd - feat: Roll to r507565 (#987)
e59172d - chore: Use Typescript to lint JSDoc annotations (#986)
7b5d7dd - docs(readme): fix typo (#988)
f1aa18a - feat(Launcher): add devtools option (#953)
e6af6e1 - feat(console): dispatch JSHandles as console arguments (#975)
8d1d9fe - chore(doc): replace 'could' with 'can'
52f92c9 - fix(input): clicking an element should take into account frame position (#971)
a7672ac - fix: return undefined when Page.evaluate encounters circular JSON (#983)
3ecd98d - fix(Page.select): synthesized events should bubble
44cdf85 - chore(doc): fix a link (#977)
4e55867 - chore(doc): fix nits after JSHandles PR (#976)
3214bb7 - chore(doc): fix implicit link to JSHandle
0af0d7d - feat(Input): Add keyboard methods to elementHandle (#801)
0d0f9b7 - feat(JSHandles): introduce JSHandles (#943)
59bcc2e - chore(docs): fix console example in docs/api.md
d3976cb - test: add failing test for storing data in custom userDataDir
c225b93 - feat(Launcher): Allow environment variables definition when launching chromium (#912)
97e40e6 - feat(Frame): Add addStyleTag API to frame - fixes #892 (#947)
d87480b - Node6: Remove parentheses around the body of async arrow functions (#942)
dc4c878 - chore(doclint): fix doclint tests (#941)
017429e - chore(doclint): exclude constructors by default (#938)
6c9a994 - chore(doclint): support classes inheritance (#935)
8bcf550 - chore(doclint): add basic tests for documentation parsers (#934)
41fd4b5 - chore(doclint): move doclint tests expectations into test folders (#932)
f9640a5 - chore(doc): add a note about using ElementHandle instances (#925)
215b349 - fix(Page): remove event listeners to avoid MaxListenersExceededWarning
53531c9 - feat(page): Allow Page.goto's timeout to be 0 to disable timeout (#887)
bafd937 - chore(tests): fix a few typos in tests (#911)
a6cf823 - feat(Launcher): introduce appMode option
1c292e9 - chore(doc): fix browser.wsEndpoint() return value format (#898)
c46c41d - fix(Launcher): Launcher should handle chrome process errors (#863)
cb280c5 - fix(Launcher): Terminate chrome gracefully on Windows (#876)
f625502 - feat(Console): Introduce ConsoleMessage type (#909)
cfece34 - fix(Network): Do not attempt to normalize malformed URLs. (#875)
ec760ab - chore: update yarn lock (#889)
72161c4 - [roll] Roll chromium to r503964 (#878)
0164b7c - Added info on how to find the browserWSEndpoint (#780)
9b0a062 - [docs] clarify env variables usage with npmrc
2babcb0 - [feat] Support PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD in npmrc
45f2640 - [api] Introduce Page.select method (#779)
acdb588 - doc: fix a link (#856)
ccf8fb1 - readme: add try-puppeteer link (#849)
c2b3fe9 - Remove --no-sandbox from Docker example (#838)
bc4aefa - Bump version to 0.12.0-alpha

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