yarn puppeteer 0.10.0
Release v0.10.0

latest releases: 22.7.1, 22.7.0, 22.6.5...
6 years ago

Big changes

  • Node 6 support! (9212863)
  • Support proxies when Puppeteer downloads Chromium (a00ba6a)
  • Puppeteer now downloads and runs Chromium 62 (r496140)

API changes



Bug Fixes

  • #53 - Add Cookies API
  • #316 - Support Node 6
  • #462 - Block scripts
  • #474 - Page.waitForSelector timeout issue with parallel page tests in a single browser instance
  • #448 - node install.js fails inside enterprise proxy
  • #384 - Re-implement $$ (querySelectorAll) using new ElementHandles
  • #363 - Program that runs a bundled version of chromium can not stop
  • #396 - Examples for .waitForSelector() fail
  • #406 - Page.html()
  • #312 - Add an option to generate PDF with the screen CSS media type
  • #344 - Screenshots are captured with a white background
  • #350 - Question: Control sound and audio
  • #301 - Print to PDF call not working as expected in example?

Upstream Changes

Raw notes

10b9dfe - Prepare to release (#532)
60ace82 - add 'use strict'; to examples (#530)
0791774 - Cookies (#314)
9212863 - Node 6 support (#484)
46115f9 - add missing backticks in README.md (#525)
3b44de4 - readme: add evaluate snippet (#524)
b8c3686 - [doc] elaborate on url parameter in page.goto. (#504)
4471969 - fix a typo in the api.md (#505)
a1414de - Implement page.setJavaScriptEnabled method
63e2b36 - [doc] Add reference to released API
a330c8e - Bump version to 0.9.1-alpha
1458a3b - fix typo in test.js (#490)
8fe2477 - Enable MutationObserver attributes (#499)
a756bc8 - Don't complain about Windows line endings on Windows (#496)
ac109db - Kill Chrome quickly on Windows (#488)
a00ba6a - Adding proxy support for ChromiumDownloader (#455)
151d512 - Implement page.$$ method (#463)
7e1f2f0 - readme: add console event debugging tip (#481)
a526e9f - Stricter eslint rules (#472)
ce08fc7 - Roll chromium to r496140 (#465)
11e3343 - Put chrome profiles into a temporary directory (#439)
1f9b4fb - Change let into const (#457)
5d6d3e0 - cleanup: Use ES6 default params (#447)
271fd09 - Launcher: add timeout to chrome launching (#434)
afd9012 - waitTask should survive cross-process navigation (#435)
c1731dd - Fail gracefully when chromium failed to download (#430)
598f439 - Add Page.content() method. Fixes #406. (#419)
6fcf3d9 - Fix grammar in troubleshooting.md
16e1499 - doc: fix typo (#431)
fcb8ab9 - Add troubleshooting.md (#428)
a5eca57 - Add proxy server example (#427)
281db8f - doc: change ambiguous phrase in api.md (#410)
292c7a2 - doc: remove mentions of removed Boxy mixin (#425)
6a35c97 - doc: fix descriptions of certain page methods (#424)
6581416 - doc: fix some nits in code examples from api.md (#407)
3b03fdd - example 'block images' - make extension check case insensitive (#401)
9ede314 - doc: fix some links in api.md (#400)
ab125f6 - doc: Fix return type in response.text()
e8b4288 - readme: fix missing word (#414)
caa6f81 - docs: note headless flag defaults to true (#332)
7796ca5 - examples: replace let with const (#403)
8c245ee - doc: fix code examples in CONTRIBUTING.md (#402)
970e9c4 - doc: fix copy-paste artefacts (#394)
f851501 - doc: remove a link to a deleted example (#392)
6289219 - README: Fix a typo (#385)
6cc2741 - Introduce page.emulateMedia method (#383)
8f43bef - Make prettier JS snippets (#377)
ae3fedf - readme: start of useful debugging tips (#352)
500b956 - #366 - tone of logo surface from light source (#369)
d71feb6 - Determine failed navigation based on Frame.unreachedURL (#365)
ae14c1e - Use randomized folder names for user profile directories (#364)
127f396 - Allow capturing transparent screenshots (#354)
1ca7849 - Mute audio in headless, closes #350 (#355)
b9c7c36 - Add Serializable type into the docs (#318)
16e190b - Indent the code in README.md (#319)
f3143a3 - Fix flaky test (#351)
5f0afd5 - Move uploadFiles onto ElementHandle (#348)
ad1b292 - install.js: refactor to template string (#340)
21aa0a2 - example 'block images' - fix typo and add other extensions (#334)
2655f20 - docs: fix link to ElementHandle (#345)
e7356bf - docs: fix typo in event: 'load' section (#325)
e5876c7 - corrected minor typos (#322)
7cef3d7 - Teach page.pdf to respect printBackground argument (#307)
a93377f - readme: migrate from travis-ci .com to .org (#297)
3cc5ba4 - update code example: setRequestInterceptionEnabled (#294)
da53218 - Fix doc on pdf method. Minor addition to PDF path option docs. (#292)

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