yarn prisma 6.4.0

latest releases: 6.4.1, 6.5.0-integration-fix-e2e-prisma-config.2, 6.5.0-integration-fix-e2e-prisma-config.1...
2 days ago

Today, we are excited to share the 6.4.0 stable release 🎉

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TypeScript-based configuration with prisma.config.ts (Early Access)

In this release, we're introducing an Early Access version of a TypeScript-based configuration file for Prisma ORM: prisma.config.ts.

This file will serve as a central configuration point for Prisma ORM:

import path from 'node:path'

export default {
  earlyAccess: true, // required while in Early Access

  schema: {
    kind: 'single', // use 'multi' if you're using the `prismaSchemaFolder` preview feature
    filePath: path.join('custom', 'prisma', 'schema.prisma')

With this file you are able to run any arbitrary code needed to get values required by Prisma ORM, such as database URLs from a secret store or fine-grained control of settings. It needs to live in the current working directory from where you're executing Prisma CLI commands (typically, the root of your project).

Note: If you're using prisma.config.ts, the Prisma CLI will not load environment variables from .env files. If you want to use a .env file with prisma.config.ts, you'll need to load the environment variables manually using the dotenv package (see here).

Learn more about the new prisma.config.ts file in the docs.

Case-insensitive mode in JSON filters

You can now do case-insensitive filtering on JSON data.

Just use the new mode option when filtering using string_contains, string_starts_with or string_ends_with in a JSON object and set it to "insensitive":

await prisma.user.findMany({
  where: {
    pets: {
      path: ['favorites', 'catBreed'],
      string_contains: 'Van',
      mode: "insensitive",

The above query returns all users where the favorites.catBreed value contains "Van" or "van".

Thanks to @lubosmato who implemented this feature 🎉

Improved CockroachDB migration speed

In this release we found some inefficiencies in our migration engine that was impacting CockroachDB migrations. In 6.4.0, CockroachDB migrations should be significantly faster.

Calling all devs: Give us your feedback!

Prisma ORM's community keeps us going. To make sure that we're focused on what the community needs, we would like to get your feedback via our online feedback form.


Huge thanks to @lubosmato, @notomo, @Mayureshd-18, @mydea, @omar-dulaimi and @Hazmi35 for helping out with this release!

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