yarn postcss 2.2.0
2.2 “Marquis Cimeies”

latest releases: 8.5.1, 8.5.0, 8.4.49...
10 years ago

Marquis Cimeies seal

This release adds Node#replace() shortcut and uses GNU style for syntax error messages.

Replace Nodes

@jonathanong suggested good shortcut to replace one node to another (or several other nodes). For example, you can write @import loader:

css.eachAtRule(function (rule) {
    if ( rule.name != 'import' ) return;

    var file = readFileFromRule(rule);
    var content = fs.readFileSync(file);
    var root = postcss.parse(content, { from: file });


GNU Style for Syntax Errors

Old PostCSS’s errors was like Can't parse CSS: Unexpected { in decls at line 2:1 in a.css.

But GNU Coding Standards had good recommendations for syntax error messages. Rework, CoffeeScript and other tools already use it. Also some tools can find this format in output and they will open your text editor on this line.

PostCSS 2.2 now uses GNU style for syntax errors:

a.css:2:1 Unexpected { in decls

Also CssSyntaxError now has reason property to build your own error messages in end-user interfaces (in previous example it will be "Unexpected { in decls").

PostCSS Organization

PostCSS repository was moved to postcss GitHub organiztion, which will host official plugins.

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