yarn postcss 2.1.0
2.1 “King Amdusias”

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10 years ago

King Amdusias seal

PostCSS 2.1 has new ES6 compiler and show syntax error source.

ES6 Transpiler

PostCSS 2.0 used Traceur to compile ES6 sources to pure JS. Traceur is very powerful, but require to add special runtime JS file to build. Runtime was very big, had side effects and some problems in Browserify and Rhino.

New PostCSS 2.1 uses ES6 Transpiler. It hasn’t runtime, doesn’t change system classes and very small and easy to use. Also it has line-to-line input/output mapping to make debug easier.

Source Line in Syntax Error

By @jonathanong idea CSS syntax error messages now include broken source line:

> postcss.parse('a {\n  b { }\n}')
Can't parse CSS: Unexpected { in decls at line 2:5
a {
  b { }

PostCSS will try to detect environment and use colors in error output if they are supported.


And now PostCSS has own logo. It is alchemist symbol of philosopher’s stone, which can process lead into gold.

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