yarn oidc-client 1.11.0

latest releases: 1.11.6-beta.1, 1.11.5, 1.11.4...
3 years ago

As part of this release we had 17 issues closed.


  • #1240 fixed a bug with Iframe width and height
  • #1238 Keep existing id_token if not in token result
  • #1189 Fix UserManager.signoutCallback typing
  • #1071 Properly decode plus character in URLS
  • #977 Minor fix in readSignoutResponseState
  • #925 Remove the check for "inside a frame"
  • #861 Problem merging claims when array with JSON


  • #1272 Add MetadataService.resetSigningKeys() type
  • #1269 Add UserSignedIn hooks to UserManagerEvents type
  • #1260 fix:Add optional to MetadataService.getTokenEndpoint in inde…
  • #1229 add optional refresh_token to SigninResponse
  • #1223 Add defensive checks in IFrameWindow.js callback
  • #1204 Render invisible iframes for silentRenew on Firefox
  • #1203 🏷️ fix: Add types for UserInfoService
  • #1129 Upgrade core-js package on last 3.* version
  • #1060 Add client_secret_basic auth exchangeCode Method. #892
  • #559 Adds retry behavior while fetching JWKS keys.

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