yarn nuxt 3.15.4

one day ago

3.15.4 is the next patch release.

✅ Upgrading

As usual, our recommendation for upgrading is to run:

npx nuxi@latest upgrade --force

This will refresh your lockfile as well, and ensures that you pull in updates from other dependencies that Nuxt relies on, particularly in the unjs ecosystem.

👉 Changelog

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🩹 Fixes

  • nuxt: Improve error logging when parsing with acorn (#30754)
  • nuxt: Clear island uid before saving into the payload (#30767)
  • kit: Load @nuxt/schema from nuxt package dir (#30774)
  • nuxt: Allow restarting nuxt on paths outside srcDir (#30771)
  • nuxt: Don't warn about calling useRoute in SFC setup (#30788)
  • webpack: Disallow cross-site requests in no-cors mode (#30757)
  • vite: Restore externality for dev server externals (#30802)

💅 Refactors

  • vite: Use new rollup chunk.names for asset names (#30780)

❤️ Contributors

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