11.4.0 (2021-01-17)
Bug Fixes
- descriptor.configurable = true (68a8751)
- guts: respect ngMocks.default (59bb586)
- mock-instance: a separate config scope (a0c930c)
- mock-module: excludes modules with providers correctly (b5cb39c), closes #271
- mock-render: static selector for declarations w/o selector (8f39d1f)
- @angular/forms is optional (bfaf495)
- avoiding cache in providers' declaration (da98414)
- grouping similarities (e1bc77b)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.stubMember returns passed value (27f5404)
- ng-mocks: renaming ngMocks.default to ngMocks.global (d9f46d3)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.stubMember (efcd175)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.throwOnConsole (7b0f2f8)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.globalExclude (bdd2821)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.globalKeep (e89b876)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.globalReplace (330868f)
- ng-mocks: ngMocks.globalWipe (cb71bdb)