yarn newrelic 7.2.1

latest releases: 11.18.0, 11.17.0, 11.16.0...
3 years ago
  • Dev-only sub-dependency bump of 'y18n' to clear npm audit warnings.

  • Bumped @grpc/grpc-js to ^1.2.11.

  • Bumped @grpc/proto-loader to ^0.5.6.

  • Agent no longer propagates segments for promises via async-hooks when the transaction associated with the parentSegment has ended.

    This change reduces the amount of context tracking work needed for certain rare edge-case scenarios involving promises.

  • Fixed issue where capturing axios request errors could result in a memory leak.

    The agent now clears error references on transaction end, which are not used for later processing. Errors returned from 'axios' requests contain a reference to the request object which deeper down has a handle to a promise in handleRequestError. The TraceSegment associated with that promise has a handle to the transaction, which through the error capture ultimately kept the promise in memory and prevented it from being destroyed to free-up the TraceSegment from the segment map. This change also has the benefit of freeing up some memory early for transactions held onto for transaction traces.

  • Added active transaction check to wrappedResEnd to prevent unecessary work for ended transactions in the case of multiple Response.prototype.end() invocations.

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