yarn mongoose 7.2.1

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16 months ago

7.2.1 / 2023-05-24

  • fix(array): track correct changes when setting nested array of primitives #13422 #13372
  • fix(query): handle plus path in projection with findOneAndUpdate() #13437 #13413
  • fix(cursor): handle calling skipMiddlewareFunction() in pre('find') middleware with cursors #13436 #13411
  • fix(model): include inspect output in castBulkWrite() error #13426
  • fix: avoid setting null property when updating using update pipeline with child timestamps but no top-level timestamps #13427 #13379
  • docs: remove callback based examples #13433 #13401
  • docs(connections): add details about keepAlive deprecation #13431
  • docs: add list of supported patterns for error message templating #13425 #13311

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