yarn mongoose 7.0.2

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13 months ago

7.0.2 / 2023-03-15

  • fix: validate array elements when passing array path to validateSync() in pathsToValidate #13167 #13159
  • fix(schema): propagate typeKey down to implicitly created subdocuments #13164 #13154
  • fix(types): add index param to eachAsync fn #13153 krosenk729
  • fix(types/documentarray): type DocumentArray constructor parameter as object #13089 #13087 lpizzinidev
  • fix(types): type query select() as string, string[], or record; not any #13146 #13142 rbereziuk
  • fix(types/query): change QueryOptions lean type to Record<string, any> #13150 lpizzinidev
  • docs: add and run eslint-plugin-markdown #13156 hasezoey
  • docs(generateSearch): fix search generation for API #13161 hasezoey
  • docs(generateSearch): move config missing error to require #13160 hasezoey
  • chore: remove unused docs libraries #13172 hasezoey

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