yarn mongoose 6.6.3

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2 years ago

6.6.3 / 2022-09-30

  • fix(query): treat findOne(_id) as equivalent to findOne({ _id }) #12485 #12325
  • fix(timestamps): findOneAndUpdate creates subdocs with timestamps in reverse order #12484 #12475 lpizzinidev
  • fix(types): make schema.plugin() more flexible for schemas that don't define any generics #12486 #12454
  • fix(types): add "array of array key-value pairs" as a argument option for "query.sort()" #12483 #12434 hasezoey
  • fix(types): remove unused defaults in "PluginFunction" #12459 hasezoey
  • fix(types): update DiscriminatorSchema to have better names and combine statics #12460 hasezoey

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