yarn mongoose 6.5.0

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2 years ago

6.5.0 / 2022-07-26

  • perf(document): avoid creating unnecessary empty objects when creating a state machine #11988
  • feat: upgrade mongodb driver -> 4.8.1 #12103 AbdelrahmanHafez
  • feat(model): allow passing timestamps option to Model.bulkSave(...) #12082 AbdelrahmanHafez
  • feat(model): add castObject() function that casts a POJO to the model's schema #11945
  • feat(document): add $inc() helper that increments numeric paths #12115
  • feat(schema): add schema level lean option IslandRhythms
  • feat(schema): add global id option to disable id on schemas #12067 IslandRhythms
  • fix(connection): re-run Model.init() if re-connecting after explicitly closing a connection #12130
  • feat(model): add applyDefaults() helper that allows applying defaults to document or POJO #11945
  • feat(model): allow calling hydrate() with { setters: true } #11653
  • feat(model): add hydrate option to Model.watch() to automatically hydrate fullDocument #12121
  • feat(types): add support for automatically typed virtuals in schemas #11908 mohammad0-0ahmad

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