yarn mongoose 6.1.5

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3 years ago

6.1.5 / 2022-01-04

  • perf(index.d.ts): simplify Schema typedef for query helpers and methods to significantly reduce TS compiler overhead #10349
  • fix(document): allow populating deeply nested models as strings #11168 #11160 AbdelrahmanHafez
  • fix(query): allow calling limit() and skip() with a string #11017
  • fix(cursor): propery apply selected fields when loading discriminator docs with query cursor #11130
  • fix(mongoose+connection): clone schema correctly when passing instance of another Mongoose instance's Schema to Connection.prototype.model() #11047
  • fix(index.d.ts): handle primitives with FlattenMaps #11117
  • fix(index.d.ts): enforce id on lean query result type #11118
  • fix(index.d.ts): export facet stage type #11150 mhoc
  • fix(index.d.ts): correct return type of projection method #11176 EugeneKorshenko
  • fix(index.d.ts): additional fix for $group pipeline stage #11140 #11067 EugeneKorshenko
  • docs: update CONTRIBUTING.md for TS tests #11164 ahmedelshenawy25
  • docs: use es6 object destructuring instead of regular dot operator for accessing value in object #11147 Shivaansh-Agarwal

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