yarn material-ui 1.0.0-beta.43

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 1.0.0-beta.47...
6 years ago
Apr 22, 2018

Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible.

Here are some highlights ✨:

Breaking change

  • [ButtonBase] Better keyboard focused story (#11090) @oliviertassinari

    • Rename the keyboardFocused feature focusVisible in order to follow the CSS specification wording:
    • Give up on the classes property to host the focus visible feature. The fact that the classes don't cascade was making it hard to use. Instead, we rely on a focusVisibleClassName property. This is allowing any component along the rendering chain to use the feature. For instance, a Switch component: Switch > SwitchBase > IconButton > ButtonBase.
    - classes={{
    -   keyboardFocused: 'my-class-name',
    - }}
    + focusVisibleClassName="my-class-name"

Component Fixes / Enhancements



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