yarn material-ui 1.0.0-beta.28

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 1.0.0-beta.47...
6 years ago
Jan 14, 2018

Big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible.

Here are some highlights ✨:

  • A new theme palette system (#9794) @mbrookes. It's an important simplification.
  • More flexible and customization friendly table components (#9852) @kgregory.
  • A new gold sponsor: Creative Tim, thank you!
  • And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Breaking change

  • [core] Revise the theme.palette.primary & secondary approach (#9794) @mbrookes

It's an important simplification of the palette system. You can now directly use the “official” Color Tool.

  • Instead of using a rich color object of 14 different keys, we rely on an object of 4 different keys: light, main, dark and contrastText.
  • Providing the full-color object used to be required. Now, we will provide a nice default to the different values using the main value.
import { createMuiTheme } from 'material-ui/styles';
import blue from 'material-ui/colors/blue';
import pink from 'material-ui/colors/pink';

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
-   primary: blue,
-   secondary: pink,
+   primary: {
+     light: blue[300],
+     main: blue[500],
+     dark: blue[700],
+   },
+   secondary: {
+     light: pink[300],
+     main: pink[500],
+     dark: pink[700],
+   }
    type: theme.paletteType,
  • [ListItemText] Add extra class to style secondary text (#9759) @t49tran
-   text: 'my-class',
+   textPrimary: 'my-class',

Rename ListItemText classes for consistency with the CardHeader component:

-- `textPrimary`
-- `textSecondary`
+- `primary`
+- `secondary`

TableHead, TableBody and TableFooter no longer offer a CSS API, which means their root classes are no longer available.
To style the root element in these components, a className prop can be passed, as all non-API props will be spread to the root element.

Component Fixes / Enhancements



  • [core] Remove contastDefaultColor (#9772) @mbrookes
  • [core] Revise theme contrastText approach, remove contrastDefaultColor (#9063) @mbrookes
  • [color] Add a warning when an invalid value is provided (#9783) @oliviertassinari
  • [typescript] Add TouchRipple typings (#9812) @msiadak
  • [test] Enforce 100% test coverage in Codecov (#9813) @leMaik
  • [typescript] Move @types/jss from devDependencies to dependencies (#9817) @pelotom
  • [core] Upgrade the dependencies 😢 (#9828)

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