yarn material-ui 1.0.0-beta.26

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 1.0.0-beta.47...
6 years ago
Dec 30, 2017

Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.

Here are some highlights ✨:

  • @kgregory has made the breakpoint down behavior more intuitive. As of now, it's inclusive (#9632).
  • We have introduced a new component to kickstart an elegant, consistent, and simple baseline to build upon: Reboot (#9661).
  • The Portal and Modal components have been revamped to solve the core issues raised by the community (#9613). Those components are now documented.

Breaking change

  • [Portal] Second iteration on the component (#9613)

Some properties have been renamed:

- ignoreBackdropClick
- ignoreEscapeKeyUp
+ disableBackdropClick
+ disableEscapeKeyDown
- show
- disableBackdrop
- ignoreBackdropClick
- ignoreEscapeKeyUp
- modalManager
+ open
+ hideBackdrop
+ disableBackdropClick
+ disableEscapeKeyDown
+ manager

The zIndex object has been updated to match the usage.

  const zIndex = {
-  mobileStepper: 900,
-  menu: 1000,
+  mobileStepper: 1000,
   appBar: 1100,
-  drawerOverlay: 1200,
-  navDrawer: 1300,
-  dialogOverlay: 1400,
-  dialog: 1500,
-  layer: 2000,
-  popover: 2100,
-  snackbar: 2900,
-  tooltip: 3000,
+  drawer: 1200,
+  modal: 1300,
+  snackbar: 1400,
+  tooltip: 1500,
  • [breakpoint] Down properties are now inclusive (#9632) @kgregory
    • createBreakpoints.down() is now inclusive of the specified breakpoint
    • isWidthDown() is now inclusive of the specified breakpoint by default
    • <Hidden /> will include the breakpoints associated with its Down properties regardless of whether CSS or JS is used.

Component Fixes / Enhancements



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