yarn material-ui 1.0.0-beta.22

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 1.0.0-beta.47...
6 years ago
Nov 28, 2017

Big thanks to the 26 contributors who made this release possible.

Here are some highlights ✨:

  • Wait, what? A new component is coming, again 🎉.
    @andrzejbk has been implementing the ExpansionPanel component with the help of the community. Big thanks to him!
  • Support TypeScript@2.6 (#9124) @pelotom
  • Support Flow@0.57.x (#8983) @rsolomon, @rosskevin
  • A new organization: mui-org @hai-cea
  • And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Breaking change

  • [Select] Remove InputClasses (#9159) @oliviertassinari
    It's a revert. I have made the unwise call of adding the InputClasses property in an unrelated refactorization pull-request #8942. It was not taking the input classes property into account. It was a breaking change and not needed.
  • [core] Reduce bundle size by 2kB gzipped (#9129) @oliviertassinari
    We have removed some jss plugins from the default bundle:

Component Fixes / Enhancements



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