yarn material-ui 0.15.0-alpha.1

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 1.0.0-beta.47...
8 years ago

This release includes huge improvements to the implementation of components and utility modules. The most important improvement is the removal of mixins from the library, thanks to the great efforts of @newoga 👍

There are also improvements to the unit testing infrastructure. We own this great improvement to @nathanmarks, thanks a lot 👍.

Please note that raw-themes are deprecated with no warning! they will be removed from the code with the 0.16.0 release.

Breaking Changes
  • [Cleanup] Remove the deprecated API of 0.14.x. (#3108)
  • [Styles] Removed all getStyles functions from the components (#3351)
  • [Core] Remove the window-listenable mixin (#3334)
  • [Core] Remove context-pure mixin (#3331)
  • [Core] Remove click-awayable mixin (#3360)
  • [Core] Utilize keycode library and remove key-code util (#3371)
  • [FloatingActionButton] className is now set on the root element (#2310)
  • [RaisedButton] className is now set on the root element (#3122)
  • [LeftNav] className and style are now set on the root element (#3322)
  • [Colors] Removed default export in favor of singular exports (#2825)

    Note This can be temporarily worked around by changing

    import Colors from 'material-ui/lib/styles/colors';

    import * as Colors from 'material-ui/lib/styles/colors';.
  • [DatePicker] Standardize for ISO8601. (#3417)
New Component
  • [Tests] Updates to test setup and additional testing option for unit tests (#3405)
  • [Tests] Add support for codecov (#3421)
  • [Tests] Badge unit tests (#3427) (Thanks to @pradel)
  • [Tests] AppBar unit tests (#3487) (Thanks to @pradel)
  • [Tests] GridList unit tests (#3488) (Thanks to @pradel)
  • [Tests] SvgIcon unit tests (#3489) (Thanks to @pradel)
  • [Tests] FontIcon unit tests (#3490) (Thanks to @pradel)
  • [Theme] Apply overall themeing improvements (#3267, #3316, #3340, #3399)
  • [Style] Fix the prefixer tool regression (#3136)
  • [Style] Make some unthemeable elements themeable (#3269) (Thanks to @pdf)
  • [Style] Fix tap highlight color (#3429)
  • [Core] Replace merge implementation in utils/styles with Object.assign (#3124)
  • [Core] Remove dependency on utils/styles from components (#3169)
  • [Core] Remove style-propable mixin from components (#2852)
  • [Core] Remove window-listenable mixin from components (#3305) (Thanks to @newoga)
  • [Core] Typography moved inside muitheme (#3301)
  • [Core] Update lodash version to 4.1.0 (#3324)
  • [Core] Migrate color to muiTheme (#3314)
  • [Core] Remove usage of isMounted() (#3437)
  • [Docs] Add page title (#3246)
  • [Docs] DatePicker - Add disabled dates example (#3167)
  • [Docs] Upgrade dependencies (#3343)
  • [Docs] Enable GPU rasterization (#3451)
  • [Docs] Add versions to docs site (#3383)
  • [eslint] Upgrade to v2 (#3390)
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. Enforce arrow-parens (#3207)
    2. Enforce prefer-template (#3208, #3242)
    3. Enforce no-unneeded-ternary (#3320)
    4. Enforce prefer-const (#3315)
    5. Enforce jsx-space-before-closing (#3397)
    6. Enforce id-blacklist and blacklist e (#3398)
    7. Enforce padded-blocks: never (#3493)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [AutoComplete] Added maxSearchResults property (#3262)
  • [AutoComplete] Apply the style property only on the root component (#3243)
  • [AutoComplete] Apply various improvement (#3214) (Thanks to @oliviertassinari)
  • [Autocomplete] Disable browser default autocomplete popup (#3253)
  • [AutoComplete] Fix the focus / blur issue (#3356) (Thanks to @oliviertassinari)
  • [Card] Removed hidden overflow (#3447)
  • [Card] Support for controlled expansion (#3258) (Thanks to @cgestes)
  • [CardActions] Allow to accept false as child (#3215)
  • [Checkbox] Disabled style error fix (#3432)
  • [DatePicker] Default to ISO-8601 DateTimeFormat & firstDayOfWeek (#3417)
  • [Dialog] Fix overflow (#3460)
  • [DropDownMenu] Expose Menu listStyle property (#3294)
  • [DropDownMenu] Fix openImmediately regression (#3384)
  • [DropDownMenu] Safari select-field fix (#3175)
  • [EnhancedButton] Fix enhanced buttons containing a link instead of a button (#3303)
  • [EnhancedSwitch] Added inputStyle prop to enhanced switch (#1693)
  • [EnhancedTextArea] Provide various style fixes (#3277)
  • [FlatBotton] Fix alignment between text and icons (#3380)
  • [FloatingActionButton] Expose Paper zDepth (#3387)
  • [IconButton] Fixed tooltip for disabled component (#3458)
  • [IconButton] Fixed tooltip ripple size for IE (#3016)
  • [IconMenu] Document multiple property of Menu (#3223)
  • [IconMenu] Enable useLayerForClickAway (#3400)
  • [IconMenu] Support MenuItem nested menuItems (#3265)
  • [InkBar] remove   (#3283)
  • [LeftNav] Add iOS momentum scroll (#2946)
  • [List] Fix issue with styling on list related components (#3278)
  • [ListItem] Fix hardcoded secondaryTextColor (#3288)
  • [Menu] Fix _isChildSelected child not recognising first child (#3165)
  • [Menu] Fix a regression that would apply the select style to all the MenuItems (#3244)
  • [Menu] Safari select-field fix (#3175)
  • [Popover] Handle the touch event on touch enabled devices (#3389)
  • [RadioButton] Allow customising icons (#3285)
  • [RaisedButton] Customizable ripple effect style (#3368)
  • [RaisedButton] Fix alignment between text and icons (#3366)
  • [Slider] Remove style-propable mixin and react-dom (#3332) (Thanks to @felipethome)
  • [SvgIcon] Fix behavior for onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave (#3481)
  • [SvgIcon] Use stateless functional component instead of React.createClass (#3326)
  • [Table] Send event object after click, hover, hoverOut on cell (#3002)
  • [TextField] Add textareaStyle property (#3238)
  • [TextField] Fix defaultValue behavior (#3239)
  • [TextField] Fix wrong label id (#3240)
  • [TextField] Fixed a bug where clicking on floating label and typing simultaneuosly loses keypress (#3055)
  • [TextField] Fixed ie9-ie10 click focus problem (#3193)
  • [TimePicker] Update time state on new defaultTime prop (#3095)
  • [Toggle] Fixes styling issue (#3299)
  • [ToolbarTitle] Fix overflow (#3250)
  • [TouchRipple] Abort on scroll (#3407)
  • [Menu] Deprecated built in animated (#3216)
  • [Core] Deprecated style-propable mixin and utils/styles (#3351)
  • [Core] Deprecated ThemeDecorator in favor of MuiThemeProvider (#3267)
  • [Core] Deprecated theme-manager and raw-themes (#3267)

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