yarn lint-staged 15.5.0

2 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #1526 630af5f Thanks @iiroj! - Lint-staged no longer resets to the original state when preventing an empty git commit. This happens when your configured tasks reset all the staged changes, typically when trying to commit formatting changes which conflict with your linter setup like ESLint or Prettier.

    Example with Prettier

    By default Prettier prefers double quotes.


    1. Stage file.js with only double quotes " changed to '
    2. Run git commit -am "I don't like double quotes"
    3. Lint-staged runs prettier --write file.js, converting all the ' back to "
    4. Because there are now no changes, lint-staged fails, cancels the commit, and resets back to the original state
    5. Commit was not done, original state is restored and single quotes ' are staged


    1. Stage file.js with only double-quotes " changed to '
    2. Run git commit -am "I don't like double quotes"
    3. Lint-staged runs prettier --write file.js, converting all the ' back to "
    4. Because there are now no changes, lint-staged fails and cancels the commit
    5. Commit was not done, and there are no staged changes

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