yarn lint-staged 15.3.0

6 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #1495 e69da9e Thanks @iiroj! - Added more info to the debug logs so that "environment" info doesn't need to be added separately to GitHub issues.

  • #1493 fa0fe98 Thanks @iiroj! - Added more help messages around the automatic git stash that lint-staged creates as a backup (by default). The console output also displays the short git hash of the stash so that it's easier to recover lost files in case some fatal errors are encountered, or the process is killed before completing.

    For example:

    % npx lint-staged
    ✔ Backed up original state in git stash (20addf8)
    ✔ Running tasks for staged files...
    ✔ Applying modifications from tasks...
    ✔ Cleaning up temporary files...

    where the backup can be seen with git show 20addf8, or git stash list:

    % git stash list
    stash@{0}: lint-staged automatic backup (20addf8)

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