yarn lerna 2.0.0-rc.0

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7 years ago

v2.0.0-rc.0 (2017-04-06)

🎉 It's the first release candidate of v2.0.0! 🎉

Highlights: Jest, CI automation improvements, and tons of internal refactoring!

We've been in "beta" for quite some time, and it's time for our versioning to better communicate changes and guarantee API stability.

Our goal is to focus on a few important bugfixes before pushing the big red button and cutting a v2.0.0 for realsies. Check out the milestone to see if you can help!

💥 Breaking Change

Our apologies if you were using this, but did you know it's been broken since before the first 2.x beta?
We have better opportunities in the offing for helping folks reuse parts of our inner logic (a --json flag for lerna ls, perhaps?), and encourage those who have complex needs to join or start discussions in the issues.

🚀 Enhancement

  • #666 Create annotated git tags instead of lightweight tags. (@AlexLandau)

It turns out that annotated tags have super powers, compared to their lightweight cousins.
Thanks to this change, we'll soon be able to take better advantage of git describe's bag of tricks.

  • #665 Automate CHANGELOG updates and version bumps during publish with --conventional-commits flag. (@bcoe)

If you use conventional-changelog, you can now use the --conventional-commits flag during lerna publish to automatically suggest versions and update appropriate CHANGELOG files.

  • #607 Increment version by semver keyword with --cd-version flag. (@cif)
  • #641 Add prompts for prerelease versions. (@rtsao)
  • #647 Allow concurrency to be configured via lerna.json. (@gigabo)
  • #635 Switch to Jest. (@evocateur)
  • #714 Refactor unit tests into Jest idioms, adding integration tests. (@evocateur)

🐛 Bug Fix

💅 Polish

  • #655 Actually warn when a matching dependency version is not satisfied. (@evocateur)
  • #674 Appveyor status should reflect master, not latest. (@evocateur)

📝 Documentation

  • #736 Update FAQ.md with publish retry details. (@cdaringe)
  • #693 Add GitHub issue and pull request templates. (@evocateur)
  • #634 Add documentation about "watch" commands next to --no-sort. (@trotzig)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 17

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