yarn lerna 2.0.0-beta.38

latest releases: 8.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.1.0...
7 years ago

v2.0.0-beta.38 (2017-02-28)

📦 🐈 Initial Yarn support and more!

🚀 Enhancement

  • #605 Add support for pluggable npm clients. (@gigabo)

We'll make yarn the default once we feel that it's more stable.

$ lerna bootstrap --npm-client=yarn
  "npmClient": "yarn"

This will run yarn in each package can create temp yarn.lock files while developing so you'll want to .gitignore/.npmignore these files. Ex: .gitignore: packages/*/yarn.lock

Very important fix for Babel that we used in the last release. This prevents a timing issue when publishing where a module will try to download a package that isn't published yet because it is published before it's own dependency is published itself. We used to get many issues from users on non-public npm about "babel-types" not being found.

  • #608 Add a --stream option to the run command. (@gigabo)

Useful to get output for child processes immediately if using lerna run with a watch command

$ lerna run watch --stream

This will not create a temporary dist-tag called lerna-temp when publishing. Useful if your third party proxy doesn't support dist-tags.

$ lerna publish --skip-temp-tag

Defaults to running npm run test and npm run env

  • #598 Durable includeFilteredDependencies config via lerna.json. (@gigabo)
  "commands": {
    "bootstrap": {
      "includeFilteredDependencies": true
  "commands": {
    "run": {
      "sort": false
$ lerna publish --registry https://my-private-registry

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #601 Fix --ignore flag when globs are expanded to an array. (@rtsao)
  • #597 Support command config in either "commands" or "command". (@gigabo)
  • #586 Avoid exception after successful lerna diff. (@evocateur)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 11

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