yarn jest-circus 30.0.0-alpha.5

latest release: 30.0.0-alpha.6
4 months ago


  • [@jest/util-snapshot] Extract utils used by tooling from jest-snapshot into its own package (#15095)
  • [jest-each] Introduce %$ option to add number of the test to its title (#14710)


  • [jest-config] Allow Node16/NodeNext/Bundler moduleResolution in project's tsconfig (#14739)
  • [BREAKING] Specifying testPathPatterns when programmatically calling watch must be specified as `new

Chore & Maintenance

  • [*] Increase version of micromatch to ^4.0.7 (#15082)
  • [docs] Revised documentation for .toHaveBeenCalled() to accurately depict its functionality. (#14853)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v30.0.0-alpha.4...v30.0.0-alpha.5

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