yarn jest-circus 29.4.2

20 months ago



  • [expect, @jest/expect] Provide type of actual as a generic argument to Matchers to allow better-typed extensions (#13848)
  • [jest-circus] Added explicit mention of test failing because done() is not being called in error message (#13847)
  • [jest-runtime] Handle CJS re-exports of node core modules from ESM (#13856)
  • [jest-transform] Downgrade write-file-atomic to v4 (#13853)
  • [jest-worker] Ignore IPC messages not intended for Jest (#13543)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [*] make sure to exclude .eslintcache from published module (#13832)
  • [docs] Cleanup incorrect links in CHANGELOG.md (#13857)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v29.4.1...v29.4.2

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