yarn jest-circus 25.5.0

4 years ago


  • [@jest/globals] New package so Jest's globals can be explicitly imported (#9801)
  • [jest-core] Show coverage of sources related to tests in changed files (#9769)
  • [jest-runtime] Populate require.cache (#9841)


  • [*] Use graceful-fs directly in every package instead of relying on fs being monkey patched (#9443)
  • [expect] Prints the Symbol name into the error message with a custom asymmetric matcher (#9888)
  • [jest-circus, jest-jasmine2] Support older version of jest-runtime (#9903 & #9842)
  • [@jest/environment] Make sure not to reference Jest types (#9875)
  • [jest-message-util] Code frame printing should respect --noStackTrace flag (#9866)
  • [jest-runtime] Support importing CJS from ESM using import statements (#9850)
  • [jest-runtime] Support importing parallel dynamic imports (#9858)
  • [jest-transform] Improve source map handling when instrumenting transformed code (#9811)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [docs] Add an example for mocking non-default export class


  • [jest-resolve] Update resolve to a version using native realpath, which is faster than the default JS implementation (#9872)
  • [jest-resolve] Pass custom cached realpath function to resolve (#9873)
  • [jest-runtime] Add teardown method to clear any caches when tests complete (#9906)
  • [jest-runtime] Do not pass files required internally through transformation when loading them (#9900)
  • [jest-runtime] Use Maps instead of object literals as cache holders (#9901)

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