yarn jest-circus 23.6.0

6 years ago


  • [jest-cli] Add changedSince to allowed watch mode configs (#6955)
  • [babel-jest] Add support for babel.config.js added in Babel 7.0.0 (#6911)
  • [jest-resolve] Add support for an experimental mapper option (Watchman crawler only) that adds virtual files to the Haste map (#6940)


  • [jest-resolve] Only resolve realpath once in try-catch (#6925)
  • [expect] Fix TypeError in toBeInstanceOf on null or undefined (#6912)
  • [jest-jasmine2] Throw a descriptive error if the first argument supplied to a hook was not a function (#6917) and (#6931)
  • [jest-circus] Throw a descriptive error if the first argument supplied to a hook was not a function (#6917) and (#6931)
  • [expect] Fix variadic custom asymmetric matchers (#6898)
  • [jest-cli] Fix incorrect testEnvironmentOptions warning (#6852)
  • [jest-each] Prevent done callback being supplied to describe (#6843)
  • [jest-config] Better error message for a case when a preset module was found, but no jest-preset.js or jest-preset.json at the root (#6863)
  • [jest-haste-map] Catch crawler error when unsuccessfully reading directories (#6761)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [docs] Add custom toMatchSnapshot matcher docs (#6837)
  • [docs] Improve the documentation regarding preset configuration (#6864)
  • [docs] Clarify usage of --projects CLI option (#6872)
  • [docs] Correct failure-change notification mode (#6878)
  • [scripts] Don’t remove node_modules from subdirectories of presets in e2e tests (#6948)
  • [diff-sequences] Double-check number of differences in tests (#6953)

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