yarn jest-circus 22.4.0

6 years ago


  • [jest-haste-map] Overhauls how Watchman crawler works fixing Windows (#5615)
  • [expect] Allow matching of Errors against plain objects (#5611)
  • [jest-haste-map] Do not read binary files in Haste, even when instructed to do so (#5612)
  • [jest-cli] Don't skip matchers for exact files (#5582)
  • [docs] Update discord links (#5586)
  • [jest-runtime] Align handling of testRegex on Windows between searching for tests and instrumentation checks (#5560)
  • [jest-config] Make it possible to merge transform option with preset (#5505)
  • [jest-util] Fix console.assert behavior in custom & buffered consoles (#5576)


  • [docs] Add MongoDB guide (#5571)
  • [jest-runtime] Deprecate mapCoverage option. (#5177)
  • [babel-jest] Add option to return sourcemap from the transformer separately from source. (#5177)
  • [jest-validate] Add ability to log deprecation warnings for CLI flags. (#5536)
  • [jest-serializer] Added new module for serializing. Works using V8 or JSON (#5609)
  • [docs] Add a documentation note for project displayName configuration (#5600)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [docs] Update automatic mocks documentation (#5630)

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