yarn jest-circus 22.3.0

6 years ago


  • [expect] Add descriptive error message to CalledWith methods when missing optional arguments (#5547)
  • [jest-cli] Fix inability to quit watch mode while debugger is still attached (#5029)
  • [jest-haste-map] Properly handle platform-specific file deletions (#5534)


  • [jest-util] Add the following methods to the "console" implementations: assert, count, countReset, dir, dirxml, group, groupCollapsed, groupEnd, time, timeEnd (#5514)
  • [docs] Add documentation for interactive snapshot mode (#5291)
  • [jest-editor-support] Add watchAll flag (#5523)
  • [jest-cli] Support multiple glob patterns for collectCoverageFrom (#5537)
  • [docs] Add versioned documentation to the website (#5541)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [jest-config] Allow <rootDir> to be used with collectCoverageFrom (#5524)
  • [filenames] Standardize files names in "integration-tests" folder (#5513)

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