yarn husky 6.0.0

latest releases: 9.0.11, 9.0.10, 9.0.9...
3 years ago

After being in early access for Open Source projects and Sponsors for a limited time, I'm happy to announce that husky 6 is MIT again and can be freely used in commercial projects! 🎉

Many thanks to the Open Source projects and Companies which have switched to/sponsored the new husky during this period!

OSS is my full-time job, please consider sponsoring the development of husky on GitHub sponsors or Open Collective. Thank you!

Breaking change

  • husky init has been moved to its own package (npx husky-init)


  • Programmatically use husky: require('husky')
  • TypeScript definitions

Migrating from husky 4

Husky 6 contains breaking changes. If you're coming from v4, npm install husky@6 won't be enough.

Recommended: see husky-4-to-6 CLI to automatically migrate your config. There's also a dedicated section in the docs.

If you're curious why config has changed, you may be interested in reading:

Also Husky 6 follows official npm and Yarn best practices regarding autoinstall. It's recommended to use prepare script instead (see usage in docs).

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