yarn hls.js 1.0.0-alpha.1

latest releases: 1.6.1-0.canary.11099, 1.6.1-0.canary.11097, 1.6.1-0.canary.11095...
4 years ago

Welcome to the first alpha release of v1.0.0! This is an early preview release of version 1.0. While not feature complete, it does include a pretty extensive refactor and a portion of the Apple Low-Latency support that will be more feature complete in beta and release versions.

Alpha releases for v1.0.0 will be cut from the feature/v1.0.0. You can leave feedback on the changes or based on your testing in #3072 or in new issues. Make sure to reference that PR.

New Features

  • Apple Low-Latency manifest and playlist handling
    • Low-latency HLS Manifest parsing
    • Playlist Request Query Parameters (Blocking Reload with Delivery Directives)
    • Playlist Delta Updates
    • CDN Tune-in
  • Basic IMSC1 support (experimental)

Demo Page

  • LL-HLS Parts are displayed in the timeline

API Changes

  • Set lowLatencyMode to true to enable LL-HLS playlist part refreshes
  • Set progressive to true to enable segment streaming with fetch loader (experimental)
  • Event order and content has changed with the refactor. See Breaking Changes below and please report any issues with breaking changes that impact your integrations.

Breaking Changes

  • Promise support is now required. Please bring your own polyfill
  • The stats object has changed
    • trequest, tfirst, tload have been replaced by loading: HlsProgressivePerformanceTiming
    • tparsed has been replaced by parsing: HlsProgressivePerformanceTiming
  • On the Fragment object:
    • hasElementaryStream function has been removed
    • setElementaryStream and _elementaryStreams have been renamed (these are only for internal use)
  • BUFFER_CODECS data has changed from { tracks: { video?, audio? } } to simply { video?, audio? }
  • BUFFER_APPENDING data has changed from { type, data, parent, content } to { type, data, frag, chunkMeta }
  • BUFFER_APPENDED data has changed
  • Event binding should remain unchanged using the public API, but refer to #2395 if experiencing issue with changes to event constants.

Known Issues

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