yarn hls.js 0.14.5

latest releases: 1.6.0-beta.4.0.canary.11046, 1.6.0-beta.4.0.canary.11045, 1.6.0-beta.4.0.canary.11044...
4 years ago

Bugfixes and Improvements

This release fixes a long standing bug with IE11/Edge where video was not rendering when seeking to the start of a live stream just short of the buffer start. The bug is in IE11/Edge (it should render video once playback enters the buffered range containing video - it just doesn't when we perform two seeks before "seeked" moves into the range where playback starts), but doing a clean seek right into the start of the buffer avoids it. This was common in streams that have segments where audio samples start before video samples - or the buffered start is later than the manifest start time.

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