yarn hls.js 0.13.2

latest releases: 1.6.0-beta.2.0.canary.10908, 1.6.0-beta.2.0.canary.10906, 1.6.0-beta.2.0.canary.10904...
4 years ago


  • Start loading the audio playlist once the parent manifest is loaded, rather then waiting for the first level to load (#2340)
  • TS demuxer will use PTS/DTS of last PES when current PES does not contain PTS/DTS (#2109)


  • Prevent from seeking backward when liveMaxLatencyDuration or liveMaxLatencyDurationCount * targetduration is less than liveSyncDuration or liveSyncDurationCount * targetduration (#2506 fixes #2494)
  • Fixed PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE error in Chrome by improving PES ACC overflow handling (#2530 fixes #2528)


  • Updated dependencies (#2538)

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