yarn grpc-tools 1.11.0
Node gRPC v1.11.0 plus new packages

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3 years ago

@grpc/proto-loader v0.1.0

This is a new library for loading .proto files for use with gRPC using the latest version of Protobuf.js. The output of this package is intended to be loaded using the new loadPackageDefinition function in the grpc library.

@grpc/grpc-js v0.1.0

This is the first alpha release of the new pure JavaScript implementation of gRPC. It implements the same API as the existing grpc library. Currently only the client is implemented, with the following functionality:

  • loadPackageDefinition
  • Unary and streaming calls
  • Cancellation
  • Deadlines
  • Metadata
  • Basic automatic reconnection logic
  • Channel and call credentials

grpc v1.11.0

Node changes:

  • Add client interceptors API (#59 contributed by @drobertduke)
  • Add loadPackageDefintion function (#196)
  • Publish ARM64 binaries (#200)
  • Improve function type test in a client method (#204 contributed by @arcana261)
  • Add details to UNIMPLEMENTED response status (#207 contributed by @theogravity)
  • Add error handling for missing files when calling grpc.load (#228 contributed by @cblair)
  • Fix error message in grpc.loadObject when failing to detect Protobuf.js version (#253 contributed by @kellycampbell)
  • Remove -zdefs flag from binding.gyp to enable building on FreeBSD (#266)

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