yarn grommet 2.45.0

13 hours ago


  • Added theme.toggleGroup.container.extend to allow passing custom styles to the ToggleGroup container. (#7487)
  • Added theme.dataTable.body.row.extend to enable passing custom styles to DataTable rows. (#7489)
  • Added ability for a compound focus indicator approach. Opt in to this approach with theme.global.focus.twoColor. (#7479)
  • Added theme.select.listbox.extend and theme.selectMultiple.listbox.extend to allow styling of the listbox container around the options in Select and SelectMultiple. (#7496)
  • Added theme.notification.message.fill to allow opt-in of the notification message filling the container instead of having a max-width when direction: column. (#7488)
  • Added theme.anchor.size[size].gap to enable defining a gap for anchor based on the anchor size. (#7491)
  • Added theme.menu.container to enable passing any Box props to the container around the Menu options. (#7494)
  • Added theme.global.radius and theme.global.breakpoint[size].radius to allow for radius values to be styled independently from edgeSize. (#7499)
  • Fixed an issue with Select hover styles still being applied after mouseOut event. (#7469)


  • Added theme.formField.disabled.help.color and theme.formField.disabled.info.color to the theme to allow styling the text color of the help and info sections in FormField. (#7484)
  • Added theme.formField[inputName].container.extend to allow passing custom styles to the formField container based on the input type. (#7498)
  • Added theme.formField.focus.containerFocus to enable an opt-in where in some cases based on if it makes sense for the input type the focus is managed by the child component instead of the FormField. (#7490)

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