yarn grommet 2.36.0

latest releases: 2.37.0, 2.36.1
one month ago


  • Added rangeInput.wheel to theme to allow for opting out of the scroll wheel behavior on RangeInput. (#7130)
  • Added summary and stepOptions to Pagination. (#7133)
  • Enhanced validate prop in FormField to allow easier implementation of a character counter by passing an object with max and threshold to the validate prop (#6550)
  • Enhanced Box gap to accept an object with row and column. (#7147)
  • Enhanced TextInput and DateInput to allow for readOnly styling through the theme property global.input.readOnly. (#7123)
  • Added a readOnlyCopy boolean prop to TextInput and DateInput to support a copy to clipboard button within a readOnly input. (#7123)
  • Fixed Form submit validation to run when submit is fired directly on an input. (#7148)
  • Fixed an issue where Anchor with an icon contains extra space. (#6534)
  • Fixed dropHeight of SelectMultiple in DataFilter. (#7157)


  • Added list.primaryKey to theme to enable primaryKey styling. (#7136)
  • Enhanced to prevent scrolling when interacting with onOrder button via keyboard. (#7144)
  • Enhanced keyboard accessibility when using onOrder. (#7140)

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