yarn graphql 17.0.0-alpha.3

latest releases: 17.0.0-alpha.3.canary.pr.4026.405885d861f562a160f9e92d0be418d819312016, 17.0.0-alpha.3.canary.pr.4026.1140ceffaf9629dd46a16d4fd28479240752f6eb, 17.0.0-alpha.3.canary.pr.4032.8bcdcea90e0a24432a78270866c27e0db6a2ae4d...
8 months ago

v17.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-09-06)

This release contains a new response format for operations containing the experimental @defer & @stream directives. This new response format addresses issues around data duplication, response amplification, and data consistency that affected the previous response format. See graphql/defer-stream-wg#69 for more information.

Breaking Change 💥

New Feature 🚀

Bug Fix 🐞

Docs 📝

4 PRs were merged

Polish 💅

31 PRs were merged

Internal 🏠

17 PRs were merged

Dependency 📦

4 PRs were merged

Committers: 17

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