yarn firebase-tools 4.0.0

latest releases: 13.12.0, 13.11.4, 13.11.3...
5 years ago
  • firebase deploy will now ask for confirmation before Cloud Functions deletion. Running the command with --non-interactive will fail if there are functions detected for deletion.
  • Support Node.js 8 runtime for functions. To deploy your functions to Node.js 8, add "engines": {"node": "8"} to functions/package.json. You will need firebase-functions SDK v2.0.0 or up.
  • Support selection of regions for functions via the firebase-functions SDK (>= v2.0.0). Learn more in the [Firebase Documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/locations)
  • Support configuration of function timeout and memory allocation via the firebase-functions SDK (>= v2.0.0). Learn more in the [Firebase Documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/manage-functions#set_timeout_and_memory_allocation)
  • Add firebase functions:delete command for explicit deletion of functions.
  • Fix bug where running firebase init over-wrote existing Firestore rules and indexes that were either specified through a local file or specfied in the Firebase Console.

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