yarn firebase-tools 13.35.0

latest release: 13.35.1
3 days ago
  • Added support for generated Angular SDKs for Data Connect
  • App Hosting emulator can now load secret env vars. (#8305)
  • Fixed webframeworks deployments when using multiple hosting sites in firebase.json. (#8314)
  • Added a new command to setup a cleanup policy for functions artifacts. (#8268)
  • Added support for 3rd party builders for Angular. (#7557)
  • Fixed GCF V2 artifact cleanup by correctly encoding artifact names to match GCF V2's format. (#8318)
  • Increase emulator UI body parser limit to match Storage emulator maximum. (#8329)
  • Fixed Data Connect setup issues for fresh databases due to IAM user not being created. (#8335)
  • Fixed an issue where ext:install used POSIX file seperators on Windows machines. (#8326)
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.9.2, which adds support for generated Angular SDKs and updates Dart SDK fields to follow best practices. (#8347)
  • Fixed an issue where credentials from firebase login would not be correctly provided to the Data Connect emulator.
  • Fixed misleading comments in firebase init dataconnect connector.yaml template.
  • Improved Data Connect SQL permissions to better handle tables owned by IAM roles. (#8339)
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Connect emulator would crash after some SQL errors.

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