yarn es-toolkit 1.22.0

latest releases: 1.32.0-dev.1015, 1.32.0-dev.1014, 1.32.0-dev.1013...
4 months ago

Released on September 28th, 2024.

  • Added support for flow, flowRight, isMap, and isSet.

  • Added compatibility functions for filter, includes, every, flip, and dropWhile.

  • Fixed a bug in throttle that prevented it from throttling after the initial throttleMs.

  • Fixed a bug in cloneDeep that caused it to not clone the offset and length of DataView.

  • Fixed a bug in clone that threw an error if SharedArrayBuffer is unavailable.

This version includes contributions from @dayongkr, @k-jeonghee, @D-Sketon, @iDevGon, @mass2527, @wojtekmaj, @jonganebski, @hyesungoh, and @chhw130. Thank you for your valuable contributions!

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