yarn emoji-mart 0.5.0

latest releases: 5.5.2, 5.5.1, 5.5.0...
7 years ago

Breaking changes


  • search now takes an object of options as the second param:
    Before: (value, emojisToShowFilter = () => true, maxResults = 75)
    After: (value, { emojisToShowFilter, maxResults, include, exclude } = {})



  • Added include and exclude props. When defined, include will also determine the categories order except recent, which is always first. Excluded (or not included) categories will be filtered out from the search results.
    Examples: include: ['recent', 'flags', 'people'], exclude: ['recent'].
  • Added autoFocus props.
  • Added notfound to i18n.
    Default: No Emoji Found.


  • Removed a few loops and function calls introduced in v0.4.4 when not necessary. [4a9497d, 6a3b05d]
  • Removed hover state on “No Emoji Found” emoji
  • Updated the “No Emoji Found” layout



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