yarn detox 19.1.0

latest releases: 20.28.0, 20.27.7-smoke.0, 20.27.6...
2 years ago


Affects only multi-app users. #3038 deprecates the unfortunate solution with { permanent: boolean } (see #2990) and suggests using device.appLaunchArgs.shared editor instead:

-device.appLaunchArgs.modify({ multiAppParameter: 'value' }, { permanent: true });
+device.appLaunchArgs.shared.modify({ multiAppParameter: 'value' });

Detox will be printing a warning if you use the deprecated signature:

detox[11948] WARN:  Detected an attempt to use device.launchArgs.modify(...) with a deprecated 'options' parameter.
Please use device.appLaunchArgs.shared.modify(...) instead.
For more details, see the reference at: https://wix.github.io/Detox/docs/api/device-object-api#deviceapplaunchargs


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