yarn cypress 8.1.0

latest releases: 13.10.0, 13.9.0, 13.8.1...
2 years ago

Released 07/29/2021


  • When using experimentalStudio, you can now generate assertions in
    Cypress Studio by right clicking on an
    element. Addressed in
  • When searching specs in the Test Runner during end-to-end testing, characters
    that are not letters will be ignored and don't have to be typed. Addressed in


  • The Test Runner's performance has been improved when running a large number of
    commands within a single test. Fixes


  • Add Yarn v2 pnp support to our default webpack processor. Fixes
    #8008 and
  • When running Cypress in global mode, an error will no longer be thrown when
    trying to add a new project to the Dashboard. Addressed in
  • The Test Runner will no longer crash in some instances when creating a new
    spec file from the GUI.

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