- update AWS Service Spec (#27095) (4942658)
- batch: Stabilize Batch (#27059) (5fc707a), closes #27054
- ecs: add Amazon Linux 2023 to EcsOptimizedImage (#26989) (0bac8a5), closes #26988
Bug Fixes
- codedeploy: CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig is broken (#27087) (c53831d)
- codepipeline-actions: update zip to noncorrupted one (#27120) (eb1d363), closes #27117
- custom-resources: AwsCustomResource fails when SDKv3 expects Uint8Array (#27065) (70d9bf7), closes #27034
- custom-resources: maxwaittime reduced to 60 seconds from 300 seconds (#27076) (c3a4b7b)
- dynamodb: update CfnGlobalTable in TableV2 constructor to use this instead of scope (#27075) (889ad8c), closes #27062
- lambda: update default runtimes and tests to node 18 (#27066) (04b30f3)
- route53: timeouts due to delete-existing-record-set-handler's wait time (#27068) (d730f7f), closes #27060
- triggers: errors are shown as list of bytes (#27119) (07c6775), closes #27113