yarn cdk 1.95.0

latest releases: 2.139.1, 2.139.0, 2.138.0...
3 years ago


  • lambda-nodejs: The type of image property in the
    Bundling class is changed from BundlingDockerImage to
  • lambda-nodejs: The type of dockerImage property in
    BundlingOptions is changed from BundlingDockerImage to
  • apigatewayv2: The type of allowMethods property under corsPreflight
    section is changed from HttpMethod to CorsHttpMethod.
  • lambda-nodejs: the default runtime of a NodejsFunction is now Node.js 14.x if the environment from which it is deployed uses Node.js >= 14 and Node.js 12.x otherwise.


Bug Fixes

  • apigatewayv2: error while configuring ANY as an allowed method in CORS (#13313) (34bb338), closes #13280 #13643

  • aws-ecs: drain hook lambda allows tasks to stop gracefully (#13559) (3e1148e), closes #13506

  • codebuild: Fixed build spec file format to return yaml (#13445) (fab93c6)

  • codedeploy: Use aws-cli instead of awscli for yum (#13655) (449ce12)

  • codepipeline-actions: BitBucketAction fails with S3 "Access denied" error (#13637) (77ce45d), closes #13557

  • core: toJsonString() cannot handle list intrinsics (#13544) (a5be042), closes #13465

  • events,applicationautoscaling: specifying a schedule rate in seconds results in an error (#13689) (5d62331), closes #13566

  • lambda: incorrect values for prop UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment (#13667) (0757686), closes #13586

  • neptune: create correct IAM statement in grantConnect() (#13641) (2e7f046), closes #13640

  • s3: Notifications fail to deploy due to incompatible node runtime (#13624) (aa32cf6)

  • lambda-nodejs: prepare code to reduce merge conflicts when deprecated APIs are stripped (#13738) (ca391b5)

  • lambda-nodejs: update default runtime (#13664) (ca42461)

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