- assertions:
is now
renamed toTemplate.fromJSON()
to provide clarity. - assertions:
is now renamed to
- aws-cloudfront: add enabled to web distribution (#15433) (7ad9348)
- aws-ec2: Add SubnetFilter for Id and CIDR netmask (#15373) (407b02d), closes #15228
- aws-kinesisfirehose: support for S3 destination encryption on DeliveryStream (#15558) (3888773), closes #15555
- cfnspec: cloudformation spec v39.8.0 (#15885) (60e6b41)
- cloudfront: Origin Shield support (#15453) (08ebbae), closes #12872
- cloudfront: use TLS_V1_2_2021 SecurityPolicy as default version (under feature flag) (#15477) (7b64abf)
- ec2: Add Transcribe interface endpoint (#15465) (929d6ae)
- eks: support Kubernetes 1.21 (#15774) (83dd318), closes #15758
- kinesisfirehose: add metrics functions to IDeliveryStream (#15618) (33909ed), closes #15543
- kinesisfirehose: add support for backing up source records to S3 (#15725) (b86062f), closes #15724
- kinesisfirehose: add support for BufferingHints (#15557) (099b584), closes #15554
- kinesisfirehose: add support for Lambda data processors (#15704) (6244a81), closes #15703
- kinesisfirehose: add support for server-side encryption on DeliveryStream (#15547) (74f3cda), closes #15546
- kinesisfirehose: supports Kinesis data stream source for delivery stream (#15836) (afd5bf7), closes #15500 #10783
- kinesisfirehose-destinations: add support for compression on S3 delivery stream destinations (#15550) (1eb56a0), closes #15548
- kinesisfirehose-destinations: add support for prefixes in the S3 destination (#15552) (d227e48), closes #15551
- lambda: cloudwatch lambda insights (#15439) (9efd800)
- Route53: add support for RemovalPolicy in CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord (#15782) (9eea4b8), closes #15211
- s3-deployment: control object access (#15730) (f58cf3c)
- servicecatalog: add CloudFormation Parameter constraint (#15770) (58fda91)
- stepfunctions-tasks: add sns publish with message attributes (#14817) (bc99e82), closes #4702
Bug Fixes
- assert: module is incompatible with jest@27 (#15666) (f446566)
- appsync: graphqlapi throws incorrect error message for authorizationConfig (#15830) (1f23313), closes #15039
- eks: Allow desiredsize minsize and maxsize to accept CfnParameters. (#15487) (fb43769)
- chatbot: ARN validation in fromSlackChannelConfigurationArn fails for tokenized values (#15849) (440ca35), closes #15842
- cli: move fail option into the diff command (#15829) (473c1d8)
- ec2: volumename doesn't set name of volume (#15832) (b842702), closes #15831
- elbv2: unresolved listener priority throws error (#15804) (fce9ac7)
- pipelines: Prepare stage doesn't have AUTO_EXPAND capability (#15819) (a6fac49), closes #15711
- s3: notifications are broken in some regions (#15884) (ee19196)
- stepfunctions-tasks: Stage field not included in CallApiGatewayHttpApiEndpoint task definition (#15755) (4f38fe1), closes #14242