yarn bullmq 1.14.0

latest releases: 5.41.5, 5.41.4, 5.41.3...
4 years ago

1.14.0 (2021-01-06)


  • job: expose extendLock as a public method (17e8431)

yarn run v1.22.5
$ (api-extractor run || true) && api-documenter markdown -i ./temp -o docs/gitbook/api

api-extractor 7.12.1 - https://api-extractor.com/

Using configuration from ./config/api-extractor.json
Analysis will use the bundled TypeScript version 4.0.5

API Extractor completed with warnings

api-documenter 7.12.1 - https://api-extractor.com/

Reading bullmq.api.json

Deleting old output from docs/gitbook/api
Writing bullmq package
Done in 4.65s.

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